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Our Mission:

To creatively enrich the lives of the individuals we serve by teaching them the functional skills they need to enjoy valued and meaningful roles in the community. 

Dear Participants and Stakeholders,

As you all know, the world-wide pandemic has greatly impacted the way that CFC has provided services to the community.  In March of 2020, we were asked to close our doors to individuals at our brick-and-mortar locations and until recently not been allowed to reopen those sites.  In July 2021, we planned to reopen but have been faced with the current staffing crisis as well as the continued financial burden of maintaining and readying the remaining Corrales site. 

It is with our deepest regret to inform you that ALL CFC Community Based Sites to include 3650 Corrales will remain closed. 

CFC will continue to provide, employment, therapy, and community-based services to include CCSI and Small Group.   For the time being, CFC Zoom Classes will continue.  All services provided will continue to adhere to DDSD and Department of Health policy as per the Governor’s directives and are at the request of the team.  If CFC can provide any additional services that you are not currently receiving or you are interested in more information, please do not hesitate to contact myself or one of our core team members listed below.  CFC is committed to assisting with transition of services as requested to ensure a smooth as possible transition.

If you have belongings that you need to pick up, please utilize the contacts below to plan to either pick up items or troubleshoot how to have items back in your possession.  We are doing our best to gather personal items, but if there is something specific you are looking for or need, please do not hesitate to ask.

Warm Regards,

Robert Hobbs, Owner/President 505-379-1793

Anita Pohl, CEO 505-688-9884

A Center for Function and Creativity (CFC) provides person-centered services for adults served through the Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD Waiver) and Mi Via Self-Directed Waiver. CFC is authorized by the New Mexico Department of Health and accredited by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities) to provide employment and community integration services that enrich the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. We offer Customized Community Supports for individuals to spend time on their interests solo or with their friends and family.  CFC provides Community Integrated Employment Services that prepare and place developmentally disabled adults with paid employment in the community to include long term supports as needed. CFC also provides professional therapeutic services through licensed occupational therapists, behavioral therapists, speech-language pathologists, and physical therapists.  

Our staff of trained community integration and community employment specialists are highly qualified and dedicated team members respectful of all levels of functioning and personal choice. All CFC activities serve a purpose, whether that purpose is educational, vocational, therapeutic, social, creative and/or recreational. At CFC, we are committed to our vision of contributing to a world without barriers.

CFC is committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to everyone. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, please contact us, as we are continually striving to improve the experience for all of our visitors.  

Creative Exploration

CFC programs provide a range of opportunities for individuals to explore their creativity in theatre, art and music, and enhance their knowledge of science, health, and other interests based on personal choice and each individual's desired outcomes.

Life Skills/Employment 

CFC provides opportunities for all individuals to explore paid employment through our "work first" philosophy. This support can help to pave a pathway from the beginning steps of vocational exploration to more


CFC encourages all individuals to explore hobbies and personal interests. Classes on site and in the community enable each individual to develop new skills to expand their interests and open them to a wide variety of meaningful life experiences. CFC also helps individuals to elicit relationships with natural supports in the community.  

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